Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Adding Creative Writing To Our School Plans For Next Semester!

We are enjoying every single second of our Christmas/New years vacation. We have been baking, reading, listening, watching, dreaming, going and doing for days on end. One of the things I love to think (aka: dream) about is what I’d like to do differently this next semester. We will not be changing our Time4Learning math or language arts, but we are going to get together with another family and do a KONOS unit on Early American History.

I know that part of our plans is to have our kids write a paper on what they’ve learned, but truthfully I find creative writing to be the most difficult of subjects to teach because it’s all subjective. I constantly question if my expectations are too high or not high enough. So we are going to add Time4Writing to our line-up for January. It has something for everyone from elementary through college! Take a look at some of the courses...,

Elementary School

I love the placement page! It helped me find the perfect starting place.

After years and years of homeschooling our BEST creative writing experience came back in "2007" when my oldest son Brandon used Time4Writing. I cannot find the words to express what a great experience it was for our family. We had an incredible teacher named Leslie who was the perfect balance of graciousness and firmness.

My son seemed to thrive in the daily exercises and immediate feedback. Time4Writing took a subject that he felt insecure about and gave him confidence. I loved that all the pressure was taken off me so I could simply come alongside my son and cheer him on.

Here is our families 12 Month Goal for Time4Writing....,

February- Kick off with the “Grammar Rocks” course.

July- “Sensational Sentences” course.

September- Finish up with “Perfect Paragraphs”.

After looking at your creative writing options which program would best fit your learner?

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